- Through a well-developed and comprehensive curriculum, Holy Family Catholic School is very capable of developing the students not only educationally, but also spiritually and culturally in a challenging, loving, and harmonious atmosphere. As a result, each student has the opportunity to develop and acquire a true sense of self-worth and values which each will be able to use effectively as life unfolds daily.
Subject Areas
- Religion: Because Holy Family Catholic School is God-oriented, religion is its priority because it enhances every other subject and sets the tone for the day. The subject is taught four days a week with the fifth day as liturgy day and requires the participation of all. Celebrations are scheduled for most major feasts and traditional activities are also planned.
- Reading: Reading is taught throughout the school using a literature-based program in grades K through 8. The reading text is called “Imagine It”. The instructional period is reinforced by the students through required home assignments, individual use of journals, use of resource books, and listening materials to strengthen their learning experience. Parents are encouraged to visit the library with their children and allow them to select books on their reading levels for further reading enhancement regularly. The Accelerated Reading Program is also a component of our reading program.
- Mathematics: Basic mathematical concepts are taught in all grades. Computation and problem-solving exercises differ considerably from grade to grade depending on the ability of the students to progress from one level to the next.
- Science: Basic scientific concepts are taught. Scientific experiments and projects will be required of students.
- Social Studies: Facts and ideas are stressed. Correct use of maps, globes, and reference books is taught. An annual individual project will be required of students at the upper level.
- Spelling: Word attack skills, vocabulary, and correct spelling of words are stressed. Phonics is a vital part of the curriculum.
- English: Basic concepts of elementary English are taught and applied. Oral communication skills and creative writing are incorporated into the English program.
- Library: To enhance the established curriculum, students have the obligation, liberty, and encouragement to make use of the library which is a vital part of the instructional process. The library provides hundreds of books with periodicals and other resources available for the developmental needs of the students.
- Subjects Offered Weekly: Physical Education, Health, Art, and Music are offered weekly. Piano lessons are also available at a separate cost.
- A tutorial program is available to all students. The cost will be provided to the individual students upon registration. It allows students to complete home assignments under the supervision of a tutor. Students who complete their assignments before the end of the period are encouraged to engage in enrichment activities.